Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Like to entertain? This Portable Ice Makericon makes having lots of ice when and where you need it EASY!

Having a get-together? No need to drive to the corner convenience store for heavy, wet and drippy bags of ice! This commercial-quality electric ice maker can start delivering ice in less than 10 minutes, and make up to 35 lbs. of ice in 24 hours!

And not only can you choose from three different size cubes, you also have the option of using bottled water, not tap water, if you desire. 1-gal. water reservoir. No drain required. Use anywhere you can plug into an electric outlet.

Portable too, so you can take it on vacation with you and avoid frequent trips for bags of ice, or let your friends and family use it for their parties...they'll love you for sharing it!

Parties seem to keep finding this handy portable ice maker.